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sraddavanllabhate jnanam tatparah samyatendriyah
jnanam labdhava param santimacirenadhigacchati
Bhagavat Gita Chap-4 Sl-39
“Sraddhavan Labhate Jnanam” You might have studied all the Sastras in their entirety. You will naturally feel proud of your profound knowledge of all the branches of learning. Your learning will be of no use if you have no devotion and you do not bring your palms together to worship Paramatma or a Satwic atma.
I would like to share my thoughts on shaping the activities of Jyotish Yoga Sastra University in the fields of Vedanga Jyoitsha, Yoga and Bharatiya Sanatana Dharma. In today’s intricate and bewildering world, Jyotish Yoga Sastra University aspires to stand as a guiding light, dispelling the prevalent obscurity and ignorance surroudingly Jyotish Sastra and Bharatiya Culture. What sets it apart is its commitment to bringing intellectual engagement with Vedic knowledge into sharper and more vivid focus, enhancing our experiences, making them more compelling and captivating than any other place.
I reflect upon the words of our ancient and traditional acharyas today with a sense of urgency and concern. I deeply hope that the global community acknowledges the substantial advantages that universities gain from the international presence and active involvement of talented individuals. It is through the promotion of a higher education system that prioritizes breaking down barriers, rather than erecting them, that we can genuinely serve the interests of the entire world, fostering cooperation and progress.
The new academic year and new syllabus present a chance for all of us to commit ourselves to creating a community that welcomes and embraces people from across the nation and around the world- people whose distinctive voices and varied experiences are essential to our common endeavor in promoting Vedic knowledge, culture, and universal peace.”
All great Rishis, Munis and Siddhapurushas guide our teachings and research, evoking our identity as a human community and emphasizing our obligation to the society we serve. Our duty is to seek and share the truth. We should always remember our power to captivate and persuade, offering knowledge that is not only rich and vivid but also capable of changing both minds and hearts. The essence of Srimad Bhagavat Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam will certainly guide us toward a dharmic, peaceful, and harmonious life. Our students and scholars will undoubtedly be the messengers who carry the teachings of Bharatiya Vedic culture to touch the hearts of the entire human race.
As a team, our commitment lies in the task of enlightening the world through both our words and actions. We must steadfastly uphold and protect the values that form the bedrock of this exceptional nation’s finest traditions. I trust that every student and scholar will join me in this vital endeavour to advance Vedic and Dharmic knowledge, fostering peace and harmony across the globe. This dedicated effort will undoubtedly center on transformative education, empowering each student to become an ambassador in promoting Dharmic culture.
“Our university aspires to empower graduates who make a positive impact on the world."
All the best!
//Om Shanthi//
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